Our Audit Services

  • A computer monitor displaying lines of code surrounded by multiple green checkmarks and a couple of red crosses, indicating test results.

    Automated Accessibility Report

    We start with a rapid automated scan to assess your digital property's accessibility. This initial pass highlights key compliance issues, setting the stage for our experts' detailed manual review.

  • Magnifying glass focusing on a checklist with empty checkboxes

    Audit Action Plan

    We create an Audit Action Plan, assessing if core templates suffice for a broad review. Alternatively, we focus on key user paths for an efficient, impactful audit. Both approaches prioritize accessibility and user experience.

  • Manual Accessibility Testing

    Manual testing is an integral part of our audit process. Our experts simulate real-world user interactions to identify accessibility barriers that automated tools may overlook, ensuring a truly inclusive digital experience.

  • A computer monitor displaying a digital 'VPAT' form, surrounded by icons representing various accessibility criteria, with a banner denoting 'ACR' above.

    VPATs & ACRs

    We create VPATs and ACRs to assess your digital product's accessibility. VPATs outline compliance for government contracts, while ACRs offer detailed fixes for better inclusivity.

  • A magnifying glass hovering over a computer screen, focusing on abstract icons that represent bugs and issues.

    Issue Tracking

    Our Issue Tracking service identifies accessibility issues and integrates them as actionable tickets in your existing project management tools, streamlining your development process.

  • A pathway made up of connected circles, with each circle symbolizing a different stage of the Accessibility Maturity Model. The circles contain abstract symbols indicating the level of accessibility integration.

    Accessibility Maturity Model Assessment

    Our Accessibility Maturity Model assesses your organization's current accessibility level and charts a path for growth. Through key metrics and milestones, we help you evolve from initial awareness to advanced accessibility practices, ensuring long-term, sustainable compliance.