Ally Audits

Assess, Report & Remediate

We provide Audits, VPATs, ACRs and Accessibility Remediation

Make it stand out.

Here are just a few of the services we provide for your business.

Accessibility Remediation

Our Remediation Services go beyond identifying accessibility issues; we also fix them. By taking care of bug fixes and integrating actionable tickets into your existing workflow, we help you maintain your project's velocity. Our tailored remediation plans come with set timelines, making progress toward enhanced accessibility seamless, without slowing you down.

Audits, VPATs and ACRS

We offer comprehensive auditing services designed to ensure your digital assets are accessible and compliant. Our process begins with automated testing to quickly identify high-level issues. For organizations working with government contracts or needing to demonstrate compliance, our expertly crafted VPATs (Voluntary Product Accessibility Templates) and Accessibility Compliance Reports (ACRs) are an invaluable resource.

PwD (People with Disabilities) Testing

We prioritize real-world usability by incorporating People with Disabilities (PwD) testing into our audit process. By engaging individuals with various impairments, we gain authentic insights into potential barriers within your digital assets. This direct user feedback is invaluable for fine-tuning both your accessibility and overall user experience. Through PwD testing, we provide you a more accurate and comprehensive view of your product's accessibility landscape.

Accessibility Training

We provide tailored Accessibility Training to empower your team with the skills needed to create inclusive digital spaces. Our workshops cover everything from coding practices to design principles, led by seasoned accessibility experts. This hands-on training is designed to be immediately applicable, turning compliance into a natural part of your development process. Equip your team with the knowledge to make accessibility a standard practice, not just a checklist.

Accessibility Maturity Model

Our Accessibility Maturity Model evaluates your current accessibility posture and provides a roadmap for continual improvement. Utilizing key metrics and milestones, we guide your evolution from initial awareness to advanced, sustainable accessibility practices. The model is designed to adapt as regulations and technologies evolve, ensuring long-term relevance. Make informed, strategic decisions to enhance accessibility while optimizing resources and efforts.

AI Accessibility Consulting

Leverage the power of AI to enhance accessibility with our specialized AI Accessibility Consulting services. We explore how machine learning and natural language processing can create more adaptive and inclusive digital experiences. From predictive text to image recognition, we identify AI-driven solutions to complement traditional accessibility measures. Gain a competitive edge by merging cutting-edge AI technologies with best-in-class accessibility practices.